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you can email me at mcg11223344@yahoo.com

Wednesday 2 May 2018

1st Week with Urban Key / My Stop In The States

Hello Friends and Family!
This is my first update to my blog since leaving Japan! So I have a few things to share that I will shrink into a short update. 

Thank you to all who have been supporting me and praying for me. It continues to keep me strong and moving forward. 

My Time In Florida
(picture of me and my sister)
I always enjoy my stops in the states. This time was also one of my favourites. 
My cousin got married and I was able to attend their wedding! It was such a blessing to be there for that special day. I also got to see my other family members who are also an important and fun part of my family. 
Getting to spend time with my parents and siblings was a huge gift as well. However, my youngest sister was in Australia doing her DTS. She was very missed. I am thankful she is there, but missed her during my visit.
My church, The Gathering, was a huge blessing as well! I got to meet wonderful new people and be a part of things while there. I joined 10 In a Circle, women's group, and shared my testimony with them. Thank you for having me! 

I flew out of the States on April 15th. From Florida to London, it was about an 18 hour trip (including layover and 2 flights). I get regularly sick on planes when I fly because of my motion sickness. I usually eat enough at each airport and ready myself before the flights. I don't eat the plane food they provide, it usually doesn't stay down (haha). So, once I landed in London I felt pretty yucky and hungry, but not ready for food. I had one more flight to Manchester because I was going to my best friends house first before my secondary school. I had about a 4 hour layover in London. I was hungry, but at the same time wasn't. It was pretty crowded everywhere too so hard to really find a good place to eat. So, as I looked for plugs and none worked and bought the wrong converter, I finally just laid my head on a tall table and fell sleep. When I woke up, there was a container of Pringles and some Reese's placed beside my head and arm. No note. There was only one guy with a studying book beside me who was there before I fell asleep too and lots of people all around in seats. I asked the guy beside me if he knew where it came from but he didn't know. I stared at it for a while and felt in my heart pretty quickly that Jesus was speaking to me. 
"Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?" Matthew 6:26-27 
I have secretly been worried about whats going to happen after this secondary school, "will God still care for me back in Japan? Can this really happen?" But these little promises like chips, an expensive backpack as a gift or a free computer continue to remind me that My God GIVES. Not just that he provides (for he does), but he GIVES. This was my first encounter with Jesus in London. I will remember. For each little touch from Him should be treasured and remember, no matter how small. 

(Picture from British Museum in London)
I am in London with YWAM Urban Key! Its crazy to think that this is actually happening. My first week was pretty light, but also had a really cool speaker for a few days who shared with us about "Being Real" and the importance of being open. He is the writer of a book called "Being Real; Simple Truth, Simply Spoken". For me, It really spoke a lot to me. We talked a lot about humility and surrender to God within the talk of being open. We talked about confidence and how to have a godly confidence. I feel that this speaking itself was a confirmation for being here. One of the biggest reasons I am here is because I have been challenged by God to overcome my fear of man. Best way to do that is to go somewhere you have never been before, with people you don't know, to talk to people you don't know about Jesus and love them. So here I am. 
My first week with the YWAM base in London was a bit hard for me. The people are magnificent and kind and welcoming, but somehow I still have a hard time "being myself". I want to hide and I am very quiet. I have grown a lot since my DTS in 2013 however, but still far from knowing how to act like the me God made me to be. I am learning this in this season. 
Also during my first week, I have been a part of volunteering for Salvation Army and their homeless ministry. They come to have free food, showers, and talk with us. Then on Wednesdays YWAM has created a salon type thing were people can come for free coffee, tea and snacks and get their hair cut, nails and make-up done. We will also be working with Kings Kids, children's ministry.
For this school, we have bible readings and studies and book reports. We have had some leadership teachings a bit already as well and will continue to learn about that. It is usually focused on Servant Leadership, which is what Jesus walked in. 
I was also able to visit the free British Museum and plan to return and see more.

(picture from my visit with Tom and Rosa (my best friends. in photo.). 
THANK YOU everyone who has been praying for me! 

Prayer Requests: 
-Monthly Supporters in finances
-Direction For future focus 

I am praying for monthly supporters as well as one time donations. 
If you would like to giveCLICK HERE.
Or go to the top of this blog for more information and link. 

My desire is to return to Japan for full time missions starting mid September. My goal is $1,500 a month. 
As of now, I do not have enough. 

Micaela McGinnis

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