

If you would like more information, have any questions,
you can email me at mcg11223344@yahoo.com

Monday 5 February 2018

Big Changes In 2018

Hello all! Happy New Year! I realize that it is already February, but this is my first update of the year! 
Thank you all who support me in prayer and finances! I continually pray blessings over you all! 


This year, starting in April - September I will be attending a YWAM secondary school of Leadership and Ministry Development, in London, England. 

What is a secondary school? - YWAM has a lot of different schools you can take that are similar to a DTS (Discipleship Training School) but goes further than the trainings of Discipleship and grows you in different areas. You have to have completed a DTS to partake in a secondary school. 

Why London? - London is a place I have always wanted to go and my heart was pulled there. Also, their base has many secondary schools that my heart was interested in. 

Are you going back to Japan after the school? - My deepest desire and plan is to fly right back to Tokyo in September after the secondary school ends. However, I want to release myself to God to do whatever he wants. Also, to provide the funds for me to return to working in Japan and what he will call me deeper into. 

My Process: For a long time now I have had the idea of a secondary school. I know lots of people who have gone through different ones. I knew that inside me things were shifting and I knew that if I didn't step out and push myself, then I would not be moving into the growth the Lord was leading me through. I finally looked into schools around July, 2017. But I didn't apply to one until December. I prayed for a long time and asked others to pray for me as well. I made sure my heart was right and had a real goal for this new season. I got accepted to the school right around the Christmas season. 

My goals: One of my biggest goals for this school is to overcome fear of man. In this leadership and ministry development school, there will be a lot of people interactions involved and a new culture. I have learned and gone through these challenges as well within this YWAM Tokyo base, but usually my biggest interactions are with Christians. But in ministry here, it is all in another language when speaking to non-believers. I want to be pushed to minister to people outside of christian circles and practice in my first language. Where, that in itself is probably much harder. 
Also, I wan't to learn from another YWAM base and other people who are working in other parts of the world. Also, I want to bring back ways I can minster to the Japanese people better. 

What can you do? - For this school, I have enough money for the program. (Thank you Jesus!!). I could really use prayer though! Please keep me in your prayers as I push myself and grow in this new season.

Extra Comment: For anyone who is currently supporting me, I do understand that this is a huge shift in what I was doing before. So, if some feel to stop supporting for a while, I do understand. If anyone is interested in supporting me in the future, there is a donation link at the top of this blog. 


Christmas Season!

 For the Christmas season, there was a bit of business involved with different outreaches we were doing, but we did have a bit of break around the holidays. I got to house sit a families house here and it was a very nice change of pace compared to living in a dorm style place with lots of people (haha).

Also, with a group of staff and friends, we went ice skating together. It was a really enjoyable time and we all laughed a lot. 
On Christmas Eve, we gathered as a YWAM community and did a little gift exchange, ate lots of food and worshipped together. It was a smaller group because so many people were away, but it was still very nice. 
Then on Christmas Day, we gathered together again and had good food, watched movies, played games and spent the whole day enjoying one another. 
On New Years, we all did different things. I watched a movie with two girl staff friends.


 As I mentioned in my last post, I began going to extra Japanese classes at our local library. It has really been pushing me and helping me to study more and more. I have really been enjoying it, and my lesson once a week with our YWAM Japanese teacher. All my teachers are really a blessing and I am learning a lot! I still have a long way to go. My hope is to return to Japan and continue to study and grow more in language.

Recently with the group of teachers and students, we had a small New Years party (picture above). They made us so much food! We played a couple of games and had small "get to know you" talks. 
Also, at our last Japanese class we got to play a game together (picture to the right) around the table with tea and snacks. It was very fun and everyone laughed a lot and got very much into the game. I am thankful for these times. 

Snow In Tokyo and Moving

During this last month we had a really big snow fall! It really piled up and was so beautiful. I took lots of pictures because everything was beautiful. However, it is funny to see a place like Tokyo that is not used to snow fall. Most of the trains were really late or had to stop. The stations were shoulder to shoulder packed. (luckily I didn't have to use the trains that day).

On the day it snowed so much, we were beginning our move from one of our houses on the other side of town. This place was our base for a season and was used for everything. I lived there for a long time once as well. My DTS and our 2015 bilingual DTS had its classes taken in the living room. Some of the staff had still been living there. But, we felt it was time to let go of the place for many reasons. I think it is really good. But we had a lot of work to do. I am thankful for all the hard work so many staff did to make it all happen! Such a big job. 


Thank you everyone for reading and for all the prayers!! 
I pray the Lord will bless you and shower his love over you more and more. 

If you have any questions or would like to talk, feel free to email me or facebook message me.

email: mcg11223344@yahoo.com
Facebook: Micaela McGinnis

If you would like to donate to my trip in April for any reason or for my future return to Japan, please CLICK HERE
Or go to the link at the top of this blog. 


Micaela McGinnis 
For Jesus and For Japan

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