

If you would like more information, have any questions,
you can email me at mcg11223344@yahoo.com

Thursday 12 July 2018


(*photo. me and fellow student getting a shake in central London)
Hello friends and family!!
Thank you all so much again for your prayers and support for this crazy mission and life I am in right now!

I am now doing a YWAM Secondary School of Leadership and Ministry Development, in London, England. I arrived here in late April.

If you would like to commit to donating or would like to give one time please CLICK HERE!
Or contact me at: mcg11223344@yahoo.com

Isolation Exhibition 
A group of the staff here in London felt that God was highlighting those that hide and have become "shut ins" in life. Those who struggle with isolation. London has a high rate of people in isolation and the hearts of staff here in London is to bring awareness to people and speak out about this issue. So, they connected with other groups of people and came up with the idea of an exhibition with art and stories. Students and staff wrote lots of poems and painted pictures as well as other art forms. They also made little windows that had peoples photos in them that told true stories of people who came out of isolation. The event went so well that the people who gave them permission for the building asked if they would leave everything up and run it until August. For me and my school, we attended the event, helping set up and run different sections like welcoming, handing out flyers, talking with people and running the little cafe. It was a real joy filled day!

Salvation Army
(*picture of the salvation army drop in room right before the doors open to serve the poor and homeless)
Every week on Tuesdays and Wednesdays a group of us go to the salvation army for drop ins where people come and we give out food, coffee, tea, cakes and fruit. We spend time talking with them and have a room for them to receive prayer in areas of their lives. On Wednesdays we continue to have the nails, tea, coffee and hair cuts. 

We have had a few weeks now with deeper topics in our teachings that have not only gone deeper into scripture, but also into our hearts, hitting things in our lives, hearts and in the world, but looking at everything through the scriptures view and walking with Holy Spirit. 
To share a little more personally, for myself these weeks have been very hard; challenging my pride, fears, self-condemnation and apathy. I was challenged in areas of life to step out of hiding and begin to be more open about my heart and also more open with my thoughts. I tend to pull back and keep to myself. But, one thing during this season has been a call to step out and just speak. (Not that this has not been challenged before). Also challenges to face my view of myself and all the flaws I can so clearly see about myself, giving those to the Lord, asking Him to grow me and show me how He sees me. 
(*photo of fellow student painting the fence in the backyard of our house here in London)

My Team and Team Building!
There are 9 students in my school (including me) and we are from many different places and nations! A couple of days this past month, we have had team building exercises that have brought us much closer. In the photo above, we had to get each member through the ropes without touching the ropes. We had a chance to pick up everyone and pass them through the open spaces. 
On another occasion, we had to "cross a river" using only boards. Some of our people were "blind" and some couldn't speak and one was unable to walk. This challenge was much harder, but we did it!

Reasons and Outcomes: For these exercises, it is amazing what you can learn about yourself and others. After these challenges, we had time to process as a team and talk about what was happening. We learned what people are more prone to speak up and share their ideas, and which were ready to step back and just go along with whatever happens. We also realised some of our fears and internal struggles come up. For the girls in the first challenge, we were uncomfortable with being lifted up because of how heavy we believed ourselves to be. For the second one, I struggled with letting down the team if I were to fall off a board, sending us all back to "shore". Some struggled with the same or different issues. But in the end, we all found out that we are a great team and easily work together. (Also we laughed a lot during these times). 
In leadership, you need to know how to work in teams and how to take initiative. 

Churches Festival
We spent a day helping with a yearly festival where churches come together to provide food, music, games, face painting and bouncy castles for the community as an outreach. It was very hot this day, but lots of people were there! As a YWAM crew, we had many hands to help them set up, and run everything that was happening. Our people did face painting, talked with people, helped with cooking food and giving it out, and running the bouncy houses.

Kings Kids Event
We also were finally able to do our event for the Kings Kids program. It was for their final event of the season and we planned games, a dance, snacks, a magic trick, a slide show of them, worship songs and printed out congratulation certificates to congratulate them for finishing. The parents were very blessed by this time as well and we involved them in our activities. It was a lot of fun and the families loved it.


We are going to Spain!!

We will be working with a church, doing many different things but getting to work with kids and kids workshops and events. We do not fully know our who schedule, (but that is outreach for you haha).
We leave: August 13th
We come back: September 14th

Before going to Spain, we will be spending a couple of weeks in Bournemouth, England, for what is called Summer Missions. It is a full time evangelism week with many events and activities.
                                                                                      We leave: July 21st 
                                                                                    Come back (to London): August 11th


(*photo. watching England's soccer game in the back yard).

Thank you to all those who have given to me financially and in prayers!
You have all been a blessing for even just keeping up with what I am doing!

If you would like to donate, CLICK HERE! 
OR, go to the top of my blog for more information.

Contact me:
Email: mcg11223344@yahoo.com
Facebook: Micaela McGinnis

Prayer Request:
Summer Missions - Health, strength and joy!
Spain Outreach - Health, strength, unity, and joy!
Return to Japan - Finances (I have some. but would like a little bit more monthly support).

Note: For my next update, I will be informing people of my next steps after this LMD (Leadership and Ministry Development School). This update will be done some time in September.
Japan is in my future.


Micaela McGinnis

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