

If you would like more information, have any questions,
you can email me at mcg11223344@yahoo.com

Wednesday 30 November 2016

UPDATE 12/1/2016 New Information

                          Hello Family and Friends! 
(photo: not my dog.) 
I pray you are all well and blessed. Thank you so much for all    your prayers and support for me and my YWAM family. I am overly grateful for the people back in the states and other places who keep me on their hearts!

Great Things About To Happen!
I am flying into Florida December 7th! I'm so sorry that I am just now sending this in an update. Some of you may have already heard, but to those who did not know, please forgive my late update.
I will be flying back to Japan on January 11th. I look very much forward to spending lots of time with my family for Christmas! Its been 2 years sense I spent Christmas with my family, so I must say I am full of bubbling joy for spending it with all my family and anyone I get to meet!
This is another great thing that will happen in spring of next year! I myself can't believe I am going for round 3 of staffing a YWAM Tokyo Discipleship Training School. The school starts in April of 2017 and ends in August of 2017. It will be in English and Japanese. Please be praying for Japanese students to apply and be able to come to our school. Its an exciting opportunity.
To be honest in communicating myself stepping into this season of another DTS; I am a bit nervous. As wonderful as DTS is, staffing is a challenge. There are always allot of things to do and its a continual fight for the students and the school. Also, with a bilingual setting there are many challenges in and of itself. However, I am filled with excitements. I have staffed 2 schools and been a student in one. Each one I have grown in huge ways. I never would have thought I would be where I am now. I could dream of it, but never try and really chase those ideas. So, to keep putting it vaguely and simply this season will be hard, but good.

                    The Past Month:
(Photo: group photo at a goodbye (for 3 months) party for our staff from Mexico)
The DTS students left at the end of October and since then many of the staff have begun to go many different ways for the holidays. (I myself will be making my way out). 
We have had new staff join us in this time as well. A couple and their son. It has been such a blessing having them with us.(in the photo above, the couple to the far left.)

Also, we had a thanksgiving party with all the staff still here and their families and a couple friends. It was allot of good food!

We also got to use the fire extinguisher because of a turkey grease fire in the oven left over from our wonderful thanksgiving. It was a fun full night of cleaning! Thank you Jesus for great fire alarms. 

 We also got snow in Tokyo! It was the first time in 54 years that it snowed in November in Tokyo. It was really beautiful. But it was a bit slushy and was hard to walk in so having things to do out of the house was a messy walk, but I guess the beautifulness of it all was nice enough to make up for that.
I am also continuing with Friday night worship outreach until I leave for the states. My normal fellow staff who does this with me has already left, so I'm really thankful for other staff and also teams from other bases and groups! 

These are just a few things that I thought would be fun to share. If you have any other questions about what I am up to please feel free to email me; micaelamcginnis123@gmial.com 
Or if we are facebook friends you can message me there. 

                                                            (Photo: (almost all) Ladies of YWAM Tokyo)
                        In Need  
Also, I wrote this on my last blog post but I am in need of more funds for continuing to work in Japan. I still need about $500 to $600 a month more to be comfortable.
If you feel a pull from the Lord to support me, any amount is a huge blessing.
One time donations are also     very much appreciated!
Thank you to those who have given in the past and who support me monthly!
If you would like to give, please CLICK HERE. 
or go to the top of my blog under my page header.  

Thank you again!
Micaela McGinnis
YWAM Tokyo

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