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you can email me at mcg11223344@yahoo.com

Sunday 14 September 2014

Salvations, walking in the light

Hello all! Thank you so much for your continual prayer and support! I am growing so much here in Japan, the place I thought was only a distant dream only years ago. I could never be here and see the things I do now without you all.

Recently our comunity has been on a media (falts pleasures) fast. The Lord spoke to us through different people about this and his heart for us to be deep in him and walk in transparency. Personally, I was super excited! I find that when I fast and go after God during these times, I pray a lot more. And when I pray a lot more, he answers a lot more too. For now, it's only the small things, like the weather. A lot of Friday nights it appears that it will rain. Each time I pray that it won't, and it doesn't. Every time I pray for it to stop it does. Now, you could call that a coincidence, but lately, I haven't been believing in those. (Haha) Also, when I pray my heart out to him, he finds ways to speak to me even when I'm stubborn and can't sit still long enough for him to tell me. He speaks through others a lot, through his word too.
 I pray for bigger things to happen! Healings, wholeness, revival, salvations. I pray for you all as well! That you will experience the light of the superior pleasures of the revelation of God. That all you who believe would; know truth, know who you are in Christ alone, resist darkness, and pursue God.
MIKE BICKLE, (IHOP International House Of Prayer) is someone I have been listening to a lot
recently. His teachings are amazing and touch my spirit all the time. Here is the sermon I just quoted

from but he has many others on this website as well. Live Holy: living fascinated in the pleasure of loving God

So to the left here is a picture of Youske (the recently saved guy who joins us on Friday nights) and in the wheelchair is a man who (I may have mentioned before) has come before a few times, but this night he received Jesus! What's so beautiful about this too was Youske. Youske was so moved and excited that this man received Jesus and their were shouts of praise
from his mouth and love overflowing for this
man in the wheelchair.

STORY? Well, the man in the wheelchair came a way while back. He has (I believe) syribral palsy, and the first time we met him it took at least four people to hold him up. (He wanted to stand and people pray for his healing every time we see him.) The second time it took two people. And this night, he walked forward! It was mostly the fun and joy on his face and the tears from everyone that made it wonderful. He heard the gospel, was given a bible and received Jesus. His smile is so precious and you can see the life in his eyes it's really beautiful. I can't wait to see him walk on his own! (Also, the next week we saw him he was shining! He had cut his hair and his cloths looked new. So awesome!)

**(The picture on the right here is of Youske praising God and the man in the back being balanced by Greg and Justin.)

Our group recently (for fun) watched Holy Ghost documentary. Where the whole movie is led by the Holy Spirit. And, it is AMAZING. It stirred a lot in us as missionaries on the front lines but we left encaraged and not condemned. Because there is no condemnation. (Hehe) Here is the trailer CLICK HERE

I feel like this is almost just a bunch of unorganized BLEH from my mind and heart. I hope to update soon.
BASICALLY; God is good, there is no one like him and he is here and he loves me and Japan and he is going to show up AMAZINGLY here and all over the wold! We are meant to live radicle faith filled lives the MINUTE we say yes to Jesus! The more I read the word the more I realize how in human minds, it's crazy reckless living that will only end in destruction and hardship and loss and...other things. But that's not so true. I would be fine with being homeless if I got to see the power of God and hear him everyday and watch many come to him! Which, the bible itself says don't worry about the things of this world! (He will provide all you need) What a wonderful life! Even if it does seem to end up as failure and all in the mind of man, there will be much joy and treasure and JESUS in Heaven!

Love you all! Speak the name of Jesus today, for it is powerful!!! FULL OF POWER. JESUS!

Thank you and do forgive my unorganized self and miss-spelled words and grammar mess ups.
Please feel free to email me if you have questions, want to share a testimony, talk, or whatever. :)
email: mcg11223344@yahoo.com
Also, donations are still a blessing. Thank you all for your prayers! God is providing every single day! Whew!


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