

If you would like more information, have any questions,
you can email me at mcg11223344@yahoo.com

Wednesday 1 May 2019

Spring and Winter Update Plus More!

HELLO Friends and Family!

Thank you all so much for your support and prayers. 

I would like to apologize for my late update. My last one was in November and I am sorry for not keeping you all up to date. Thank you for your grace and patience. 


Some of  YWAM Tokyo staff have set up a "Jesus.com". The link is on a card that you can hand to people on the street. 
The website is all in Japanese and tells the story of the gospel through a comic. It also explains many deep things and answers questions to Japanese people wondering about Jesus. 
It also had church locations and contacts as well as YWAM contacts. 
Please pray that God will use this more and more!

YWAM Tokyo, Christmas
& Moms Visit!
My Mom was here in December! It was sooo much fun showing her my world here. I enjoyed spending time with her, and seeing how she saw Japan also put myself in perspective of how amazing it is to live in this country. 
We had a couple of Christmas parties where we did a present game (White Elephant). It was so much fun and such a blessing. Also we had the usual Santa on the streets event we do every year where we give people candy canes and free Santa hugs. 

While my Mom was visiting, we stopped by the old Tokyo Emperor Palace. 
On our way in, we ran into a group of University students who wanted to walk with us and talk English. So we let them join. While walking, my Mom got to share about Jesus with them, and at the end of our time with them I gave each of them an Iesusama card. (for the website). 
It was a cool experience as I got to see my Mom pouring into and loving this nations people with passion. 
Thank you Mom, for coming to see me!! 

Korean Team, 2019 

Every year in January, a CCC (Campus Crusade for Christ) team from Korea come to stay for 10 days with my Japanese church.
Each year I really enjoy this team and for the ones who come each year I have become friends with. I love seeing the reconciliation and the love that this Korean team brings.
They bring a lot of energy and laughter to this church with mostly elderly people. By the end of their time, there is always a party and the team will shed tears as they talk about how loved they felt by this Japanese church and how their heart is big for Japan. I love it!

YWAM Tokyo, Easter 
On a beautiful Saturday afternoon we gathered as a community for food and games and socializing! It was such a nice day and we had bbq going and egg dying and an egg hunt. It was nice to gather and laugh together in the sun.


Cate In Australia 
As many of you know, I have a little sister working in YWAM Australia. 
She has left for outreach as a staff leader! 
Please keep her in your prayers as her and her team take off to new areas of the world to share Gods love. 

She is awesome and inspires me to continue to have passion for the Lord and His people. 

School Of Worship and Transformation (SWAT)
I have been here in Japan since September (2018) after I was in England for 4 months and Spain for 1 month.
I have been taking part in YWAM Tokyo's School of Worship and Transformation. I have only been auditing the school, meaning that I am paying much cheeper price for the school, getting about the same experience and learning from all the amazing teachers, but also having responsibilities of a YWAM staff member. (I don't get any YWAM credit for the school that could be used with University Of The Nations.)
It has been an amazing and difficult season in my life.
I have learned a lot about the heart of worship. How we are priesthood, made to declare truth. (1Peter 2:9).
I have learned that before you can see transformation in the places around you and the people, you must let the Lord bring transformation to your own heart.
I have learned that you are not your feelings. Truth is truth. Jesus is truth and His word is truth. Declaring truth regardless of if it "feels" real or not. The truth is, Jesus has overcome. The truth is, I am in Christ. I am His child.
Even though I say this, it still becomes a struggle over and over to say yes to the truth regardless of my own heart. But luckily, God is greater than our hearts, and He knows all thing. (1John 3:20).
Thank you for your prayers and support during this season!
The SWAT School has its graduation on May 10th. It is the end of an 8 month school.
I still need about $1,000 for the remaining auditing fee. 
Please pray with me for this provision.

(Picture: writing letters to all the staff for valentines day.)
Adventure and Adventures 
(A New Step Of Faith)
The picture above is me on top of a small mountain in Minami Izu, Japan. where I went for a 3 day prayer retreat with my fellow staff friend. It was something I was really craving and in need of a re-connection with God, because I had been struggling through some future things.
 I loved climbing on rocks and discovering things in nature. I felt a reminder hit my heart as I watched the powerful waves of the ocean hitting the sides of the rocks violently.
"Why am I so afraid of people and of so many things? When the God that I serve is more powerful than these waves that could kill me?" (Matt.10:28, Psalms 27:1, Duet. 3:22,).
When you come to know God personally, you come to understand more of His goodness. How amazing!

All that being said, God has been calling me to a new step in life.
This year I will be moving back to Florida with my family. 
I do not have exact dates, but I believe in May I will know the dates.
I will be messaging supporters the dates so that you will know when donations will end. 
I have been hearing the Lord calling me back for about a year now. It has been a very scary thing for my heart stepping into the unknown, but I can feel clearly now the shift in my life and how God is showing me a new way.
It has been emotional planning to say goodbyes here in Japan, not knowing when I will return, but knowing that my heart is still pulled to this beautiful nation.
Please feel free to partner with me in prayer for the timing in my return. Also for the goodbyes I will face.
Thank you all for so much support in my time here! It has truly been what has kept me able to serve here for many years. I do hope to return one day.
Please feel free to email me for more information!

(Photo from 2014. My first year staffing with YWAM Tokyo). 

Prayer requests: 
-- Recently I met a Japanese family with 3 young daughters and their mother is terminally ill. She was looking to hire me to watch her 5 year old daughter after school because she herself cannot leave her house freely. I am unable to work for them because of new steps in my life God is calling me to. This family is not christian, but has been open for a while. They are friends with a christian missionary lady who connected us. Please pray for this family. For salvation, for healing and for God to work in their life.

- My heart in planning to leave Japan.
- revival in Japan.
- Church in Japan.

$1,000 for my SWAT school fees. 
Plane ticket to Florida home. 

Thank you all for your support and love. I will hopefully be posting another update soon with my dates of return. As well as contacting supporters with similar information.
Thank you so much!!!

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