

If you would like more information, have any questions,
you can email me at mcg11223344@yahoo.com

Sunday 10 April 2016

~My Five Week Visit ~

Hello everyone! I am back in Tokyo again and missing my family back in Florida and Georgia, but happy to be back in the normal routine. For those who may not have known, I went to the states from March 1st to April 6th to visit family and friends in Florida and Georgia. I was blessed over and over by my family and by the wonderful people from my church in Florida. I met lots of knew people and caught up with the lives of those I love. It was a short season of rest and fun. Thank you all who supported me, prayed for me and just encouraged me! It meant allot and I know I will see fruit from it. 
One of the joys of my time was enjoying my siblings. I love them very much and they have a special place in my heart. I got to play video games with my 8 year old little brother and laugh with him. I also got to joke with my sisters and listen to all the funny and great things they had to say. I am blessed to have such wonderful siblings who I can relax around and feel so loved.

Another blessing I got was spending time with cousins and grandparents in Georgia! I was able to hear about where everyone is and what they do. I got to laugh with everyone again and remember old memories that we all share. It was a blessing! I also got to enjoy more time with my grandparents from Georgia. I loved talking with them and sharing some of my life from Tokyo. I couldn't have asked for a more rich family time.

I am so thankful to my parents as well who support me so much and truly champion my call to Japan and to God's kingdom! I felt so loved and free to be rested and myself. My Mom listened to my ramblings for five hours all about my life in Japan and my wonderful Tokyo family! (I'm still amazed that she was so tuned into even the small things I said haha)!

 Thank you all again for how you poured into me during my stay in the states! I received lots of prayer and joy from all of those I spent time with and got to meet. Thank you also to The Gathering Church who allowed me to share with you all about my life and what God is doing in Tokyo! I am keeping you in my prayers!


If you would like to support me, please scroll to the very top of the page under my title name. Or click here to take you to the donation page.

If you would like to email me please reach me at: mcg11223344@yahoo.com
(*I also have facebook that I use for allot of communicating. Micaela McGinnis)

Blessings to you!
YWAM Tokyo

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