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Monday 18 January 2016

Thailand iDTS outreach!

We have finished overseas outreach to Thailand! It was truly an amazing trip and God used us in many ways!

              Our Adventures With Beautiful Feet (A.K.A. Pat)
(Bellow: Pat and his water buffalo)
The first ministry we partnered with was Beautiful Feet. This ministry is just one man, Pat, who has a powerful testimony and says yes to Jesus everyday. 

Pat's biggest ministry is his half way house where he takes in boys who have come out of prison (along with a couple of orphans). He teaches them to live off the land. We visited their place often and once sang for them and shared a picture story one of our students made.

Also at the halfway house, one of our team members helped Pat and his boys catch and tie up pigs. It was a scary experience but slightly funny.

Everyday we would get in pats truck and go where he took us. We would have a small idea where what we would be doing, but Pat always had his schedule opened for what God wanted to do along the way.

Our first stop with Pat was two days of working at School Of Promise in Chiang Mai. We mostly cleaned and helped where needed and at the end of our two days we sang at their Christmas show.

Two different days we visited a prison where we shared songs, testimonies and told them about Jesus.

One Sunday with Pat, after going to a Japanese church, we played and hung out at a Thai youth group during the evening. 
After stopping to sing for a family, they pointed us to a nursing home next door and asked if we could sing for the residence. It turned out really amazing and the residence really enjoyed us.

On Christmas day we planted watermelons at Pat's halfway house.

One day, We went to a shrine by Pat's halfway farm to use the rest room and in the garden a pipe broke. Pat and his boys fixed it and the whole village heard about it. So, a principle from a nearby school invited us to his Buddhist school where we joined their Christmas/new years party. We sang and shared our students picture story that told them how God made them and loves them.

After the Buddhist school, two of the little boys came to Pat's halfway farm and swam with one of our team members and one of Pat's boys. By the end of them playing, Pat shared with them about salvation and they received Jesus into their hearts!
Our time with Pat, his boys and his family was such a wonderful experience! We did more things than I can write about but it was a wonderful time for me and my team.


After our time with Pat we joined in with Sila Home, a children's home in the mountains of Thailand.

Many of the evnings at Sila Home we planned and prepared activities with the kids. We would play games, share a message and do a project of some type. It was always allot of fun and a blessing.

 A big part of what we did while at the home was build the foundation of a guest house they are working on. We carried sand, dirt, rocks and concrete from one place to the place they were building. At the end we signed our names and put our hand prints in the concrete.

One Sunday night we joined the older kids on the street at the market, singing and dancing to raise money for the home.

One of my favorite things of all was playing with the kids and letting the older ones to my hair. It was such a joy and energized me.

On our last night the kids had a goodbye party with worship, prayer, thanks and ice cream! It was a bit sad to say goodbye but we had a great time!

Thank you to everyone who prayed for us and gave money for my ticket! I was so blessed! Our trip was amazing! I couldn’t share every story and activity here yet there seems to be allot (haha).

Thank you again!


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